Podcast /Audio Production
Podcast /Audio Production
Interviews done on-site with the client to be used for long-form produced podcasts, and short audio features you can embed in social media posts.
Services and Packages
We'll tailor one just for you.
Your Best U Media delivers these professional storytelling services:
Podcast and audio production
Vocal presentation skills coaching
Production of multimedia for training and eLearning
Scripts voiced and produced by broadcast professionals for use on your website, in videos, and other multimedia communication platforms.
Interviews done on-site with the client for the production of short, engaging videos for use primarily on social media sites such as Facebook, Twitter, Linked In, and Instagram.
Broadcast-style journalistic and creative writing for all media platforms.
The hallmark of our writing is word economy. We choose every word carefully to ensure your message is tight, bright, and understandable. Our goal is to make your message memorable while reducing the reader’s cognitive load.
Vocal presentation skills coaching, and eLearning materials
These specialty services are available on an as-requested basis and utilize our extensive knowledge and experience in both the broadcasting and post-secondary education sectors.
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Let the professionals at Your Best U Media help you to tell your story and enhance the success of your business.
Let's get started telling your story.
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Your Best – Success story Package
Your Best – Springboard Package
Your Best – prosperity
Our Packages
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